Getting Married in Thurgau – Love is the one and only, love is not little and not much. Your love is without measure and goal!

Would you like to get married in Thurgau and start a family? Your wedding speaker and celebrant Zen Master Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery will conduct the wedding ceremony with you according to your wishes and ideas.

Wedding Prayer and Meditation

You bit the tender lips sore, the blood flowed afterwards. Did you want it, I know it well, because once my mouth shut them. You let your blond hair fade in sunburn and rain. Wanted it because my hand lay caressingly on it. You stand at the hearth in flames and smoke that your fine hands jump. Wanted it, I know it well because my eyes were on it. Good for me, after all that playing, rambling.

You're serious, and you're mine, in order for our love to mature, it doesn't need a sun's warm glow! Do you hear the winds howling, whistling? Weddingly it penetrates to us! We laugh when the beams creak, because our happiness has solid rafters.

Wedding Celebration in Thurgau

The night is clear, the night is cool, the stars are twinkling in the sky. You once loved me so much and kissed me so much. You once loved me so much, where was your hot feeling? The stars are twinkling in the sky, the night is clear and cool. A little love is sparse and empty, a little love isn't. There isn't much love anymore either. Love is the complete one, love is not little and not much. Your love is without measure and goal.

Another has won the woman for whom I sang with sweet music. He is the hero who conquers you, but I am your nightingale! And when you two have long since found the slumber that my eyes flee, the nightingale still sings her old song in the nightly hours. Zühküt, zühküt - the sweet greetings from the past love time. And her longing, o the sweet one, is richer - than both of you are!