Your wedding in the winery – The more secret the love is, the more I like it!

Your wedding speaker in the winery: Abbot Reding (Zen Master) from the Honora Zen monastery, creates your dream wedding with you. The winery offers an incredibly beautiful atmosphere for the wedding ceremony.

Location: Weingut Büchin

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

The higher the church tower, the more beautiful the ringing. And the further to the dirndl, the greater the joy. The deeper the water, the whiter the fish, the further my treasure, the better I like it. It's dark in the forest, that's because of the wood, that my darling is unfaithful to me, that's because of his pride. Two snow-white doves fly over my house. The treasure that is destined for me, I can't miss it.

The darker the night, the brighter the stars. The more secret love is, the more I like it. Don't look into the springs of water, you jolly fellows, rather look into the wine! The water is deceitful, the springs are suggestive. Better look at the wine! Narcissus, he found out in his finest years! He did not see in the wine, no, in the spring of the wilderness, his dearest image.

Better look at the wine! Many have sunk, yet no one has drowned in a cup of wine. Those who look at themselves in it cannot languish, so I look into the wine! You jolly fellows, don't look into water sources, rather look into the wine! But don't forget to swallow while watching. Drink up, drink up the wine!

Your Wedding in the Winery

It's beautiful when two stars stand close together in the firmament. Nice when two roses burn into each other. But in truth! it's always the most beautiful to look at. As two who love each other stand happily together. I love you, ghostly shadow, which accompanies me without hesitation through the forest and the evening meadows, like memories, so faithfully.

As mild as the thought of former pleasure is without a desire, as dark as the dark clinging to an eternal loss. Ah, my love, if a little fountain were cold and jumped out of a stone. And if I were the green forest then, I'd drink it in myself. And never wanted to let it go, wanted to embrace it completely. So yesterday and today and all time To eternal bliss.