Religious and Spiritual Wedding – Zen Master Marries – All about love suffering. Is there a nicer lot?

Zen monk Ikko-San (older monk-brother of zen master Reding) came from the Netherlands and married zen master Father Reding and his wife in a religious and spiritual wedding. With the oncoming rain, the ceremony was moved to the neighbor's barn without further ado. With one leg in order and one leg in chaos, this wedding ceremony took place. Although not many words were spoken, everything that needed to be said was said.

Candle Ritual - Religious and Spiritual Wedding

The bride and groom lit the wedding candle together and bowed to it. You sacrifice your ego and submit to the light. The good should guide and guide the family.

Wedding Prayers and Meditation

All about love suffer. Is there a nicer lot? No fate can separate those who love true and great! Your soul breathes more freely. Glorious peace glows through them. Always warmer, purer, more faithful to the friendship Lenz blossoms around! No fate can separate those who love true and great! Love dawns in a child's soul, like green things germinate on the earth in spring.

Love buds in the heart of the virgin, dreaming of future glory. Until it unfolds in the woman's heart intoxicatingly blossomed into the most luxuriant bloom. In the heart of the mother to the noblest maturity, to the crown of the universe, to perfection.

Religious and Spiritual Wedding

In your room I found my place. in your room I know who I am. I lie in your bed for days and snuggle my body against you. Feel the days change and the calendar on the sheets that are freshly prepared for us. I am sometimes silently amazed at the bed railing, how heavenly laughter one conquers time.

From time to time a sound rises from distant streets below to our feather cloud space, which we sleepily wrap in the colorful tapestries, woven from kisses, love, dreams. A bit of the sinking moon looks over the edge of the field, as if an invisible hand were burying the moon. Star by star hangs far in the air, and they all soon sink like the moon into the tomb. Where the paths, mountains and bridges wave during the day, lanterns squat in the dark. Blinking like little mirrors. they all go out and just burn their time.

But darkness stands behind things and lets nothing be seen but a dark coming, running past and naming things. And no day and no light can be of help. The darkness of the world will never be completely taken away. only one heart That which holds to your heart in love takes away from you the darkness of the whole world.