Oak Wedding – 80 years of union of man and woman – A rose has grown on an old oak!

The Oak Wedding marks the wedding anniversary after eighty years of marriage. The oak connects the masculine and the feminine. Glory, pride and the primal mother.

Oak Wedding - 80th Wedding Anniversary

Wedding celebrant zen master Reding guides you through the Oak Wedding and celebrates the family with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

A rose has grown on an old oak tree. Then the time-tested branches trembled softly, swayed. The oak tree has never shaken in a storm, no lightning has shaken it. But when the rose climbed towards her, she trembled softly. Pumpkin trees one says to the tall oak: "You blessed one, rich one, you have really common fruit" and tiny little ones.

On the other hand, look at my apples how they swelled, miracles of weight!" "But the watery ones die quickly," says the oak; from my cores, the so small ones, a forest will spread in later times!"

Oak Wedding

How dreadfully fate rushes through the night! The purple flies high around the proud oak, the poplars draw swords as if for battle, sobbing the willow bends towards the pond. In between, the storm sings a wild song on its fiddle – the string snaps in two, and through the tumult of the outraged branches the sky flashes white like a scream. And again my deep life roars louder, as if it were now on broader shores.

Things and all images become more and more related to me. I feel more familiar with the nameless. With my senses, as with birds, I reach into the windy heavens from the oak, and my feeling sinks into the broken day of the ponds, as if standing on fish. Because I'm so good at lightning, you think I can't thunder! You are very wrong, for I also have a talent for thunder. It will prove horrible when the right day comes. Then you shall hear my voice, the word of thunder, the thunderbolt. Many an oak will splinter in that day when the wild storm will tremble, many a palace will tremble and many a church tower will fall!