Healthy Food for the Mind? The fifth; is the great liberator. The mind should always be spotless!

What is healthy food for the mind? It consists of the following five types:

  • The first; is the enthusiastic law. Follow the right path, uphold it with pleasure and cultivate it.
  • The second; is the Meditative and Merry. Inside and outside be calm and clear.
  • The third; the mindful one. Mind and mouth are in harmony with each other.
  • The fourth; is the beloved. Whether coming or going, standing, sitting or lying down, be resolute with good intentions.
  • The fifth; is the great liberator. The mind should always be spotless.

The Mind - Healthy Food

Seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing itself are perfectly still. How is it that anger, joy, itch and suffering are different from the original self? No matter how closely you look at them, you can't find them anywhere. Hence it is said, "Bad karmic elements lead to suffering, and good karmic elements lead to happiness." Anger leads to falling into hell, happiness leads to being born in heaven. However, when one sees the empty nature of anger and happiness without attachment, one immediately becomes free of karmic force.

If one has not seen the Self, no matter how well one teaches and speaks the scriptures, it would be of no help. Although it will take endless discussions to explain all the necessities, I have simply misrepresented and correct here, although details are still insufficient.

The mind that calls the mind "mind" has no way of seeing. I'm just looking for the mind; Never searched for the word. Everything in the three different cosmos is empty; I really understand now that nothing exists. If you seek God, seek only intellect. The mind, which you call mind, is a part of God. Even if I'm originally looking for the spirit, the mind has known it for a long time. If you seek the spirit, don't try to understand it with the mind. Bodhidharma