Green Wedding – Just Married – And so relieved the heart quickly realizes that it is still alive and beating!

The green wedding is the wedding ceremony itself and refers to newly married couples. As fresh and new as the green of the leaves in spring. Green symbolizes fertility and growth and represents the power of nature.

Green Wedding - Just Married

Wedding speaker zen master Father Reding guides you through the green wedding and celebrates the wedding with you with a confirmation ritual according to your wishes.

Meditation and Wedding Prayer

How I love to sit alone in my familiar room on Sunday afternoons. The bright shimmer of the sun breaks through the window, gilding the book I've opened. The streets; no wagons are rolling. The noise of the market falls silent, as if it were forever, and all the colorful flickering of the Sunday state, it was carried out into the woods.

Those who remain behind feel deserted, and many a beautiful eye gazes sullenly, and many wishes scatter unfulfilled. Life rests, as if it has melted into itself. But secret love is also fulfilled quietly, and lonely the spirit's happiness is enjoyed.

Green Wedding

Passion brings suffering! Who soothes an oppressed heart that has lost too much? Where are the hours, hastily gone? In vain was the most beautiful chosen for you! The spirit is dull, the beginning confused. The noble world, how it vanishes from the senses! There hovers music with angel wings, woven into millions of tones upon tones, penetrating through and through the human being. To overflow him with everlasting beauty. The eye wets itself, feels in the higher longing the divine value of the tones as well as tears.

And when the heart is relieved, it quickly realizes that it is still alive and beating and would like to beating, willingly and willingly offering itself in return for the purest thanks of the overflowing donation. There felt - oh, that it would remain forever! – The double happiness of tones and of love.

Youth's first vows of love, animated by the hottest desire, are nothing more than strings of pearls. Hanging around the neck of the loved one. the ribbon breaks, the pearls roll. Who puts them back on the string? Indifference and a low growl, love gone, the oath gone.