Getting Married – Wedding in Zug – If you hold such a heart close to your heart, you love the whole world in it!

Would you like to get married in Zug? Your wedding speaker and celebrant Zen Master Reding from the Honora Zen Monastery will conduct the wedding ceremony with you according to your wishes and ideas.

Wedding Prayer and Meditation

You must lean towards a faithful breast in particular, give it all your lust for love exclusively. Anyone who holds such a heart close to their heart loves the whole world in it. We got to know each other as friends, even know each other for a very short time, soon we had to part again, maybe for all eternity. Yes, I feel it deep inside, I was only happy with you.

The first love comes from the heart, the second doesn't burn so hot. O happy is every girl who knows nothing of such love. Yes, I feel it deep inside, I was only happy with you. And should God direct the fate that we never meet again, I will always remember you and pray for your well-being. So farewell, don't forget my, one day there must be a divorce.

Wedding Celebration in Zug

Death of life's misery ends well, but life shudders before death. Life does not see the dark hand, the bright chalice it offered. So a heart shudders before love, as if threatened with destruction. Because where love awakens, the ego, the dark despot, dies. You let him die in the night and breathe freely in the dawn. Love spoke: In the gaze of your beloved you must look for the sky, not the earth, so that the better power refreshes itself there, and the constellation does not become the will-o'-the-wisp for you.

It said: You must look for the light in the eyes of your love, not the fire, so that it is good for you as a lamp in the dark hermitage, do not consume your life's dread. Love said: In the bliss of your love you must seek wings, not chains, so that they carry you up to the sun, not drag you down to roses and nettles.