The Center of the Family – The Self of the Family – Marriage is a symbol of a truly religious development of the individual!

Marriage is a symbol of a truly religious development of the individual. Marriage helps the husband and wife develop as true human beings. Accept your own shadow step by step and discover the center of the family.

Marriage as a Religious Symbol

Whether we like it or not, marriage is a symbol of religion. It helps men and women to become part of something larger and whole. The couple works on their strengths and weaknesses and slowly but surely an understanding of the male and female emerges.

Breakthrough to the Center of the Family

When men and women help each other to understand their respective tasks, the breakthrough to the center of the family becomes possible. Just as every person should break through from the ego to the self, the couple is working on perceiving the center of the family outside of I and Thou. It is, so to speak, the self of the family. It is not an easy task to achieve the breakthrough from ego to self for the individual, so we must be all the more careful and not waste time.

Breaking through the Paradox of Men and Women

Children arise from the opposition between man and woman. When the children manifest themselves in the family, an inner manifestation of the center of the family also arises. Inside and outside complement each other.

The Center of the Family - Courage to be Complete

Once one has the courage to be complete, family life will acquire a meditative and religious character. The center of the family becomes more and more conscious and attentive. However, we often fall off track in our search for completeness and pursue the goal of perfection. Perfection is the tyranny of the mind, which should be avoided at all costs. In this regard, the children (chaos) help the spirit to continually practice humility.